AtRial Cardiopathy and Antithrombotic Drugs In prevention After cryptogenic stroke

IRB/UVA Tracking #
Principal Investigator
Andrew Southerland
Sonya Gunter
Contact Email
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Official Trial Title
AtRial Cardiopathy and Antithrombotic Drugs In prevention After cryptogenic stroke (ARCADIA)
Study Description

The University of Virginia’s Department of Neurology is currently enrolling people who have suffered a stroke of unknown cause who also have atrial cardiopathy, or abnormal changes in the atrial tissue of the heart, in a research study. The purpose of the study is to test the hypothesis that the anticoagulant medication apixaban is superior to aspirin for the prevention of recurrent stroke in patients with cryptogenic (stroke of unknown cause) ischemic stroke and atrial cardiopathy.
This study aims to enroll 1100 patients in the US and Canada at approximately 150-200 different sites. Patients are screened and can be enrolled between 3 and up to 120 days post ischemic stroke. Eligible participants will receive either 5 mg of apixaban (Eliquis®) or 81 mg of aspirin by mouth twice daily. Patients who meet standard criteria for a lower dose of apixaban based on age, weight, and kidney function will be on a lower dose of apixaban (2.5 mg twice daily). Participants have a 50% chance of receiving apixaban and a 50% chance of receiving aspirin.
Participants will be followed for a minimum of 1.5 years and a maximum of 4 years. Participants must be 45 years or older. Study drug resupply will occur every 90 days and will include either a phone or in-person visit follow-up.
This study is actively enrolling participants. To learn more information, please visit or contact the Clinical Research Coordinator: Sonya A. Gunter, MS, CCRC by phone 434-924-9664 or email:


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